Hilltop Private School Blog
A place where everyone can get updates on the latest news, happenings and information from the school.
Former student are encouraged to contact us as we are trying to gather information of our former students from around the world.
Please be informed that in keeping align with the recent announcement by HRH The Sultan of Johor regarding the change of weekend for the State of Johor, Hilltop school will be following the government schools and will now be observing FRIDAY & SATURDAY as the official weekend.
Hence from January 2014, our school / office hours will be as per below:
Due to the recent changes in Telekom Malaysia's policy to discontinue it's email services, Hilltop Private School's email address has also been affected by this change.
Hence effective IMMEDIATELY our previous email with streamyx.com will cease operations and we can now be contacted at our new email address as per below:
Email : hilltop.srj25@gmail.com
We regret any inconveniences caused by this change.